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ABSTRACT:Robinson Crusoe is one of the most important works of Daniel Defoe.  Concerning the interpretation of this masterpiece, many previous studies have pointed out its profound themes and cultural implications. Starting from a different perspective, this research is based on the writing style of this story. 

This novel is a fictional autobiography written from a first-person point of view. Defoe presents Crusoe's life chronologically. He presents facts in order, with many vivid details, simple and plain sentence structure and language, natural order in narration, making the story intimate to the readers. Defoe also uses allegory to reveal characters and reinforce the theme. 

Key Words: Robinson Crusoe; Daniel Defoe; first-person point of view; allegory



通过研究,小说采用第一人称为视角和时间顺序写作手法细致地叙述鲁滨逊在荒岛上的经历,在视觉层面上给读者带来认知上的挑战。 此外,笛福还通过运用象征主义手法法来描述鲁滨逊人物形象,揭示和深化作品主题。

关键词: 《鲁滨逊漂流记》; 丹尼尔·笛福;  第一人称视角;  象征手法
