
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-22
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ABSTRACT:The heroine Caddy is the key character of modern American writer William Faulkner’s masterpiece—The Sound and the Fury. Caddy is kindhearted and beautiful originally, but she degenerated at last. This is pitiful and noticeable. This study analyzed the causes of the tragedy mainly from the external and internal factors. The results shows that the social environment, the abnormal family environment and the Puritan’s Duty View are the external factors of Caddy’s tragedy; and the weakness in Caddy’s personality is the internal factor. After analysis,it is easy to find that the society and family which were influenced by Puritanism, and the weakness of Caddy’s personality caused this tragedy. The author launched a forceful attack against the southern society and the oppression of the Puritan’s Duty View on women through the analysis of the tragic story of Caddy.

Keywords: Puritan’s Duty View; Personality; Tragedy



