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Abstract:My graduating paper aims at using the theory of imagination in Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Defence of Poetry” to analyze the imagination in Shelley’s “Ode to the West Wind.” Work will be written from three aspects: Romantic Imagination in “Ode to the West Wind”, Shelley’s imagination in “Ode to the West Wind” and the relationship between imagination and language in “Ode to the West Wind”. 

From a historic view, the imagination in “Ode to the West Wind” mirrors some characteristic features of the whole romantic period:worship of nature,subjectivism and spontaneity. From the detail, the imagination in “Ode to the West Wind” tells us how imagination help the poet to create his poem and what is the relationship between imagination and language. The imagination of poet is different from that of our ordinary people. Shelley refers to the West Wind as stunner in the universe, but why can’t we ordinary people use such incredible mastery of imagination. My paper answers the question in three aspects: observation, inspiration and contemplation and analyze the basic function of imagination in poet’ writing process. Imagination is abstract, while language is concrete, so in order to make the reader understand what poem says, imagined things need to be expressed by language. On the other hand, imagination makes words colorful and plentiful and poet’s abstruse and philosophic imagination changes his language a lot.

Key Words: Percy Bysshe Shelley,“Ode to the West Wind”,Imagination


中文摘要:本文旨在用雪莱《诗辩》(“Defence of Poetry”)中的理论,来分析《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind)的想象。文章共包含三个方面内容:《西风颂》中的想象所蕴含的浪漫主义诗歌的特点;《西风颂》中诗人的想象;《西风颂》中想象与语言的关系。


