
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-22
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Abstract:The Afro-American women suffered from the racial discrimination and the gender discrimination, which made them live a miserable and unequal life. The Civil Rights Movement was a movement that the Afro-Americans including the Afro-American women fought for the equal civil rights including the educational right with whites. To some extent, the Civil Rights Movement changed status of the Afro-Americans, especially the status of the Afro-American women. The Afro-American women expected to save themselves and changed the unfortunate destiny by improving the level of receiving education. They changed their thoughts and fought against traditional ideas. They regarded receiving education as one of ways of getting rid of their miserable life. So they tried their best to fight for the educational right during the Civil Rights Movement. Therefore, it is necessary to learn more about the backgrounds of acquiring the educational right of the Afro-American women during the Civil Rights Movement. The paper aims to give readers a better understanding of Afro-American culture.

Key words: Afro-American women; Civil Rights Movement; Educational right; Backgrounds



