
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-22
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Abstract:English learning is a very complicated acquisition process, it involves various factors. These factors directly affect learners' learning results. The learners' non-intelligence factors play a decisive role among them. The author uses the questionnaire, makes a tentative study on the effect of non-intellectual factors on male and female students in English learning from the aspects of achievement motivation, learning will, learning anxiety and communication motivation. English learning is an important part of university learning for college students. The survey the effects of non-intellectual factors on male and female students in English Learning can help teacher in teaching and let students know their non-intelligent levels in English learning. Based on the analysis results, some consultative opinions will be proposed to solve these existing problems.

Key words: non-intelligence factors; male students; female students; comparison



