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Abstract:There is large number of slang in The Catcher in the Rye. Slang use is one of language characteristics of the book. Since the study of slang can help readers understand the work very well, this essay takes the slang as the main part to study. This paper chooses frequent use American slang words “crazy”, “lousy”, “crap”, “kill”, “phony”, “hell”, “goddam”, “damn” as the study objects. Based on the definition, social and semantic function of slang and American social background of 1950s, these slang words are analyzed in detail in the way of example sentences of slang words. Through the analysis of these frequent use American slang words, this paper tries to find the relation between slang and social circumstance, slang and Holden’s image, slang and the feature of the novel.

Keywords: American Slang; Analysis; Social Circumstance; Image; Feature


摘 要:在《麦田里的守望者》这本书中,作者使用了大量的俚语。俚语的使用也就成为该小说的语言特色之一。通过对本书俚语的研究,有助于读者对本书的理解。这篇论文把俚语作为主要部分进行研究。作为研究对象的俚语是在本书中使用频繁的美国俚语词,即“crazy”, “lousy”, “crap”, “kill”, “phony”, “hell”, “goddam”, “damn”。本文根据对俚语的定义、俚语的社会和语用功能及美国20世纪50年代的社会背景的研究,认真分析了小说中这些高频美国俚语词及其例句,进一步阐释了俚语与当时的社会状况、霍尔顿的形象、小说特征之间的联系。

