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Abstract:The news headline is the summary of the valuable content in a piece of news. When reading a newspaper, the reader will do it by choosing the headlines. Therefore, it is said that the headline is the eyes of a piece of news; and that the news will be attracted, only if the eye is vivid. Conversely, if the headline is watery, the reader will not want to read, and then the news will be meaningless no matter how wonderful the content is. So the headline plays an important role in news writing. The language in English news headlines is very special, and it is very different from other writings. Therefore, knowing the features of its language can help the reader better understand the news. This paper will have a study of the features, functions of the English news headlines and analyze the features of its words and grammar, and then introduce some skills about how to read the English news headlines in order to help readers more effectively obtain information about everything under the sun.

Key words: News headline; Feature; Function; English


摘 要:新闻标题是对一则新闻中最有价值内容的概括。当读者在了解一则新闻时,大多数读者会通过标题的浏览来选择是否关注一则新闻。因此,有人说新闻标题是新闻的眼睛,只有当眼睛传神的表达出信息,才能吸引读者阅读,新闻报道才会有意义;反之,假如新闻标题平淡无味,便无法吸引读者,更不能使他们产生阅读新闻的兴趣,那么即使新闻报道写得再出色,没有读者阅读也就没有任何意义了。可见,标题在新闻中的作用是多么的重要。


