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Abstract:National image means the other countries’ (including single person, organizations and governments) comprehensive commends and completed expressions. In the background of globalization, the present international public opinions are mainly dominated by the western media, especially by the American ones. Consequently, our national image in the international society is mainly constructed by the western media. CNN is one of the most influential western communication companies and its online news can be delivered to the whole world. However, because of the spectacular relationship of China and the U.S. and the differences of history and cultural tradition, China-related reports on CNN are the “invisible hands” which play an important role in the course of the construction of Chinese national image. This paper analyzes the differences of Chinese national image construction in CNN and China Daily online news, and then finds out the reasons of those differences by the Constructivism Theory and gives the personal views on constructing Chinese positive national images in the world.

Key Words:CNN; China-related report; national image; Constructivism;



