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Abstract:This paper talks about the annotation of love in the story of Harry Potter and discusses its importance in the development of the story,shows a special and important kind of love described in the impact of love on the life and growth of the hero, Harry Potter. As an eternal theme of the world, love was highly emphasized in the story. At the significant turning points, it played as the key weapon to defeat the enemy and saved Harry, his friends and people who fought for a peaceful world. Besides, the love relationship between people, another main theme throughout the story, adored the story with palpitation, warmth and much more interest. In addition, the protagonist, Harry Potter, in many aspects was deeply influenced by the love from his family, friends and many seniors around him. It was their love that made Harry brave enough to face all the difficulties and gradually grow up to a responsible and reliable person. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the love illustrated in the story of Harry Potter. It is hoped that this paper could help the readers, especially the young readers view Harry Potter at a different angle and better grasp the idea the author conveys.


Key words: love; confrontation against the evils; growth
