
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(bevivid)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-27
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Abstract:Learning English must start from childhood. Although many of the rural schools offered English classes according to the regulation of the Ministry of National Education some ten years ago, especially for the need of education reform, and made a lot progress, there still existed many problems and difficulties in the English teaching of rural primary school. This paper inquires the present conditions of rural English teaching, analyzes and shows the characteristic and the actuality of teaching. Detailed information has been acquired that this situation was due to the lack of necessary teaching equipment and the professional teachers, out-dated education concepts, the old teaching methods, the influences of the families and so on. Based on these ideas, some corresponding countermeasures would be put forward in different terms of the school environment and facilities, the teachers and their teaching methods, the English class curriculums, the rural students and their main studying features, the family’s influences, etc. The specific ways to solve these problems would be discussed, introduced, and some examples be given in order to contribute to the qualities of English teaching in rural primary schools.

Key words: rural primary school; English teaching; characteristics; countermeasures



关键词:农村小学; 英语教学; 教学现状特点; 对策
