
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(bevivid)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-30
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Abstract:The development of mass media made advertising penetrate into our lives and enriched our culture. Meanwhile, globalization turns to be the incontrovertible trend at present. Hence, foreign economic relations and trade are more frequent. In this background, advertisement translation grabs people’s attention. Advertisement translation plays an important role in economic development. This is because advertisement translation not only guides consumption, but also is the carrier of cultural exchange. This paper studies advertisement translation from cross-culture perspective, which includes basic theory, the influence factor of advertisement translation, and the skills of advertisement translation. Author hopes that readers get further understanding about the relation between advertisement translation and cross-culture. What’s more, more and more translators can go in for career of advertisement translation.

Keywords: culture  advertising  cross-culture communication  advertisement translation



关键词:文化  广告  跨文化交际  广告翻译
