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Abstract:Culture which has great influence on communicative behaviors plays a very significant role in communication. However, pragmatic failures and  misunderstandings do happen frequently in intercultural communication due to cultural differences. Since English language has been used extensively and Chinese language has increasingly grown popular in the world today, it is highly necessary for us to focus on the different characteristics of these two cultures and the problems they may bring about in the cross-culture communication. This thesis intends to analyze the causes of pragmatic failure, socio-pragmatic failure, from the perspectives of different values,languages ,ways of thinking,and register. By comparing the differences, the paper hopes to suggest that we should maintain critical awareness of cultural difference if we want do reduce pragmatic failures and avoid misunderstanding in the real world communications.  

Key Words: intercultural communication,socio-pragmatic failures,view of value, use of language


摘要:文化在交际中扮演着重要的角色,它影响着人们的交际行为。然而,由于文化差异,在跨文化交际中语用失误和误解却经常发生。当今世界上,英语被广泛应用的同时,汉语也越趋流行。因此我们很有必要关注一下这两种文化的不同特征,及其在跨文化交际中可能产生的问题。本文旨在于从价值观、语言习惯、思维方式和语域误用等四个角度来分析导致社会语用失误(社会语用失误是语用失误的一个方面)的原因。 通过差异对比,本文建议如果我们想在现实的交流中尽量减少语用失误避免误解的话,我们就应该保持敏锐的文化差异意识。

