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Abstract:In the early 19th century, with the establishment of the capitalist system, the English bourgeois democracy was developing increasingly. Also the relation between the Church and state was divided which gradually brought about the establishment of the police system. The British detective fiction gestated and developed all along rooted in the soil of its social life. The whirligig of time and society along with progress of science and technology were quickly reflected in detective fiction. With the aftermath of World WarⅡ, it brought great changes to world politics and profound effect to its literature. English detective novelists, represented by Conan Doyle, all selected such kind of subjects and contents which were characterized by the development of politics, economy and science and etc. Therefore, after our study in these novels, we can get a more real Britain in all respects since several centuries. 

Key words: Conan Doyle; detective fiction; Britain; social development



