
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(bevivid)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-30
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Abstract:Affective factors are one of the most important factors in second language acquisition. These factors include anxiety, self-esteem, personality, motivation, etc. All these factors influence the input and output of the second language learning. With the help of the well-known researches and Krashen’s Affective Filter Hypothesis, the paper makes a survey on junior middle school students. After the analysis of the research data, the author found some useful results and implications and will use the experience in the future. It is very helpful to study English with positive attitude and low anxiety. When students learn language in a relaxing environment, then they will make a huge progress, while if they always have a negative attitude, then they will feel bored, and anxious in class. The affective factors will help language learners to learn English in an easier and happier way, so learners will learn English more efficiently and cultivate a good learning habit and personality.

Key words: SLA; English; affective factors; suggestion



