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Abstract:Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representative writer of American naturalism literature in the 20th century. His first full-length novel Sister Carrie is the most representative masterpiece of his naturalistic ideas. The thesis aims at exploring the characteristics of naturalistic morals through the novel Sister Carrie, The thesis contains three main parts. The first part is the historical and cultural background of creation the Sister Carrie. The second part elaborates the typical characteristic of Naturalism and explores the decisive factors of the heroine’s destiny-----desire, instincts, and environment. In the third part the author probes the connotation of naturalistic morals. In the end, the thesis concludes that naturalism emphasizes the decisive role of environment on a person’s fate and the human nature. In the world where the jungle law is practiced, survival itself is the ultimate goal of life and all moral standards are unimportant and immoral.

Key words: naturalism; naturalistic morals; desire; environment



