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Abstract:It is well known that the United States is a nation where people can possess weapons freely. Although guns have frequently used in cases of violent crime as deadly weapons, they have brought both the sense of security and pride in American people’s mind. Recently, gun violence has increasingly affected on teenagers’ psychology, threatened personal security, and even stunted social safety. It is necessary to understand the reasons why Americans have rights to hold guns legally and why there are no proper ways to reduce gun violence though it has happened frequently in America. There is still a long way to go for the U.S. government to get the guns controlled effectively. In this paper, it is constructively suggested to get a reasonable channel to get rid of gun violence in today’s America through probing the influence of gun violence on American society and the attitudes of Americans towards guns. To get a better understanding of the root of the disputes on gun control, this paper focuses on the solutions of gun control policy in America and its influence on American society. However, gun violence, one of the most typical American-style social problems, has made the U.S government suffered a lot for a long time. So for the U.S. government, the effective control for guns is still a big challenge to face up with.

Key words: America, Gun violence, Social security



关键词: 美国,枪支暴力,社会安定
