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Abstract:As an important genre of modern pop music, rock music embraces a splendid status in the history of music. Although rock music originated from the west and then  was introduced to China, it conveyed totally different cultural kernel in Chinese and Western countries. The paper compares rock music of the west and that of China, and discusses how the rock and roll culture affects people's social values. Through comparative analysis, the paper also tries to illuminate the similarities and differences of mental states that Chinese and Western rock music delivers under different social backgrounds, which allows people to understand the culture reflected in rock music. At the starting phase, rock music appeared with the rebellion consciousness. Thus, in order to study the real rock music history and the spiritual kernel, analyzing the rebellious characteristics is a good starting point or a foothold. And the best carriers of the kernel of rock music culture are the main rock bands and rock celebrities. On the other hand, independence is the pillar of its rebellion. This paper describes the origin of the rock music, the form of rock music, and the influence of rock spirit and analyzes the similarities and differences of Chinese rock music and western rock and roll. Actually as a borrowed genre, rock music is very unique in China. It is different from its western counterparts.

Key Words: rock music , Chinese rock, Western rock, rock music culture,spiritual essence




