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Abstract: The Age of Innocence was written by Edith Wharton, who came from the USA. The Age of Innocence tells a story that happened in the upper-class from a man’s point of view. The two main female characters have their own special features. May Welland was the representative of the old New York City, and she was considered to be a good girl and a perfect wife. Ellen Olenska was the representative of those who pursued love, freedom and equality. These two main female characters were selected by the writer intentionally. Their behaviors and mental activities corresponded to those of the goddess. This thesis will focus on the mythical prototypes of the two main female characters and interpret the meanings implied in the two female characters, so that the readers could understand the work deeply and clearly.

Key words: The Age of Innocence; May Welland; Ellen Olenska; mythical prototype



关键词:《纯真年代》; 梅·韦兰; 埃伦·奥兰斯卡; 神话原型
