
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-04
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Abstract: This thesis is aimed at arousing junior high school students’interest in grammar learning and improving their learning efficiency. The paper begins with theoretical basis and principles and analyzes the current situation of grammar teaching in junior high school, and then goes deep into grammar teaching practice. It breaks the limitation of traditional deductive method and inductive method so that grammar learning is no longer boring. In addition, the author also reflects on the examples of teaching cases used in the application and puts forward some suggestions which should be noticed in junior high English grammar teaching. Through the study, the author expects that this research can help improve teaching interest and effectiveness of English grammar in junior high school.

Key words: Task-based Language Teaching; English grammar teaching; junior high school 



关键词:任务型教学法; 英语语法教学; 初中
