
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-04
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Abstract: This essay aims to analyze the translation technique –conversion of part of speech in English and Chinese translation and to illustrate the categories of this technique with some specific examples. As English and Chinese belong to two different language families, they have many differences in such aspects as vocabulary,grammar and manner of expression. In the process of English –Chinese translation, translators may meet obstacles. Conversion of part of speech, a frequently used translation technique, helps to add translation with smoothness and naturalness. Through the analysis of his technique, translators can learn specific skills about English –Chinese translation and shift from one part of speech to another freely according to different contexts. Therefore, the translated language can make better sense and the quality of it can be improved.

Key words: conversion; part of speech; translation



关键词:转换; 词性;翻译
