
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-04
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Abstract: This thesis, based on the theoretical principles of pragmatic presupposition, is to study the importance and necessity of using pragmatic presupposition in English listening comprehension to improve students’ listening proficiency. This study involves 30 students from a senior high school, chosen as the participants, divided into two groups and taught by different approaches, with a view to finding out whether the training on pragmatic presupposition can promote the learning of listening and whether learners can effectively improve their comprehension of the listening material when teachers involve the impartment of presupposition knowledge in listening teaching. The results of the study have proved that pragmatic presupposition is critical to students’ performance in a listening comprehension test. Therefore, it is suggested that it is necessary and practicable to apply presupposition to the teaching of English listening.  

Key words: presupposition;English listening; pedagogical implications;



关键词:预设; 英语听力; 教育启示;
