
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-06
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Abstract: Gulliver’s Travel is the master work of Britain ironist-- Jonathan Swift. It is a special voyage adventure novel which describes the protagonist—Gulliver who has a series of fortuitous meeting on the sea. But Gulliver’s Travel not only describes adventures, but also satirizes and derides social reality of England in its entirety. The success of this novel is that the author transforms the satire objects to cruel, even absurd situation. This thesis intends to analyze the exquisite satire in Gulliver’s Travel from the aspects of irony, hyperbole, insinuation and comparison, combining with the temporal social background and political situation in Britain, and to improve the readers’ understanding of this masterpiece. In addition, the article elaborates the satirical art of Gulliver’s Travel influence on the writers in the beginning of 20th century as well.

Key words: Gulliver’s Travel, Jonathan Swift, satire



