
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-06
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Abstract: Based on the study of The Joy Luck Club, this thesis discusses the symbolic meanings of wind in it. Amy Tan combines the self-consciousness with the outer world as well as the personal feeling with social environment subtly. And she endows the people and the things under her pen with the deeply symbolic meanings to arouse the readers’ strong emotional resonance and spiritual shock. In the novel, the wind has a wealth of new meanings. Through reading the text carefully, this paper mainly analyzes the symbolic meanings of wind in the novel, such as the recovery of soul, the growth of the rebellious consciousness, the inheritance of existence philosophy, and the suffering of misfortune.

Key words: Amy Tan; The Joy Luck Club; wind; symbolic meanings



