
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-06
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Abstract: Mansfield Park revolves around Fanny Price, a young girl from a relatively poor family, who is sent to her rich uncle and aunt’s home when she is 10. Fanny Price grows up with her cousins at Mansfield Park, but she is often badly treated. Edmund is the only person that treats her with kindness. As time goes by, Fanny’s gratitude for Edmund secretly grows into love. When a rich man called Henry Crawford chases her with patience and asks her to marry him, Fanny never says yes. This paper will compare two types of views of marriage, namely, Fanny Price’s marriage being based on love versus Mary Crawford and Maria Bertram’s marriage being based on money and position. After comparison, a brief description of Jane Austen’s view of marriage, as well as its influence on modern society will be discussed.

Key words: Mansfield Park; Jane Austen; views of marriage



