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Abstract:  Robinson Crusoe, the novel written by Daniel Defoe, describes the process of the English petty bourgeoisie's pursuit of wealth in the 18th century. He creates Robinson as a typical economic individualist, who is a fetishist aiming at wealth all his life. By sorting out the relationships between economic individualism and religious faith in this novel, this paper aims to probe into the profound influence of individualism on Robinson's success. According to individualism, all actions should be based on individual requirements and personal happiness. Robinson makes a fortune finally, which is related to such proposition of individualism. In a sense, Robinson both benefits from individualism and represents individualism. 

Key word:  individualism;religion; bourgeoisie; influence


摘要: 笛福的小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》描述了十八世纪英国中小资产阶级追求财富的过程。他笔下的鲁滨逊是一个典型的“经济个人主义”者,是一个以财富为人生目标的拜物教徒。本文通过对小说的经济个人主义和宗教信仰的关系的梳理,来探究个人主义对鲁滨逊成功所产生的巨大影响。 在“个人主义”看来,一切行为应从个人需要和个人幸福出发,而鲁滨逊最终发家致富与个人主义的这种主张是分不开的。从某种意义上来说,鲁滨逊既是“个人主义”的受益者,也是“个人主义”的代表。

关键词: 个人主义;宗教;资产阶级;影响
