
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-06
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Abstract :A brand name is the bridge between the consumers and the products. It’s the “Name Card” of a product. A good brand name can arouse consumers’ interests and their purchasing desires, advance the popularity and image of the product, and then promote the sales of it. In China, the automobile industry is developing rapidly. However, China’s dominant automobiles, with their special brand names, however, are imported from foreign countries. In order to make great success in China’s market, it’s urgent for these automobile brand names to be translated. Undoubtedly, an excellent translation of automobile brand name would maximize sales of the products it represents. Considering the profound significance of automobile brand name translation, on the perspective of Skopos Theory, the thesis proposes transliteration, literal translation, adaptation, a combined way of sound and meaning in translation, and transitional translation with an aim to help the translators acquaint with more automobile brand names and have a better understanding of theoretical ways of translating the automobile brand names;

.Key  Words:Automobile trademark; Skopos Theory; translation methods



关 键 词:汽车商标; 翻译目的论; 翻译方法
