
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-07
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Abstract: This paper aims at illustrating the necessity of three principles in translation through explaining the three principles from the translator’s perspective. Chapter one gives a general description of news headlines and explains why it is necessary to take three principles into consideration. Chapter two, with three sections, gives an in-depth analysis of the three principles used in E-C translation. Chapter three introduces the features of news headlines from four aspects. Chapter four gives a brief introduction to the difference between China and Western countries. Chapter five lays down the basic translation skills by means of detail description of each of them. Chapter six is the conclusion of this paper, which restates the necessity that the translator should always focus on three principles.

Key words: translation of news headlines, three principles, translation skills



