
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(重庆小伙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-08
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Abstract: The author studies the current situation of students’ oral English in junior high schools in China. This article points out that the disadvantages of traditional teaching methods in junior high schools can be one of the reasons for students’ poor oral English in junior high schools. As to teaching methods, the author introduces the communicative approach and explains its definition, the theoretical basis, the teaching principles and features. In order to further understand the current situation of the junior high school students’ oral English level, the author conduct a questionnaire survey and points out that many teachers in junior high schools don’t pay much attention to the communicative activities in English classes. Based on the current situation of the students’ oral English level, this article makes some suggestions on the application of the communicative approach in junior high schools’ English oral teaching, with the purpose of developing students’ English learning interests, English language sense and students’ team-work spirit.

Key words: the communicative approach; oral English level in junior high school; application 



关键词:交际法; 初中英语口语; 应用
