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Abstract:  Jane Austen is one of the most distinguished women writers in 19th century. Her works mainly describe the story of marriage among young women of the middle class in England. Emma is regarded as her greatest novel by some critics. This paper discusses the irony embodied in Emma from three perspectives. They are verbal irony, structural irony and situational irony. The disclosure of the irony is to display that Emma is a masterpiece with profound tension of irony and to show that Austen is a master of irony.

Key words: Irony; Jane Austen; Emma 


摘要: 简・奥斯丁是19世纪的最著名的女性小说家之一。她的作品主要描写英国中产阶级年轻女性谈婚论嫁的故事,带有田园情调及浓重的反讽色彩。《爱玛》是简・奥斯丁的一部优秀的反讽基调格外浓厚的小说。本篇论文将会从三个方面具体探讨其中的反讽艺术。它们分别是:言语反讽,结构反讽以及情景反讽,意在展现《爱玛》这篇反讽艺术杰作以及奥斯丁小说在思想性和艺术性上具有独特魅力。

