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Abstract: This thesis aims to analyze the reasons for the “double decline” of China’s foreign trade in 2012. The reasons mainly rest in two aspects - the international problems that China’s foreign trade is facing, and the domestic problems that China’s foreign trade is facing inside of the country. The thesis will introduce some countermeasures to the “double decline”. The countermeasures will be illustrated from four aspects: developing new market, adjusting the industrial structure, strengthening the support to the SME and maintaining the original advantages of China’s foreign trade.

Key words: double decline; China’s foreign trade; international problems; domestic problems, countermeasures 


摘要:本文分析2012年中国外贸出现“双降”的原因。从两个方面来分析,一是中国外贸所面临的国际问题,二是中国外贸所面临的国内的问题,也就是自身存在的问题。 本文将就中国外贸所面临的这些问题提出相应的对策。对策将从以下四个方面来阐述:一,中国需开发新的市场;二,中国需调整其产业结构;三,中国需加强对中小企业的扶持;四,中国外贸需保持自己原有的优势。

关键词:双降; 中国外贸; 国际问题; 国内问题; 对策
