
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(艾米)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-14
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Abstract: Color word is an important part of language and vocabulary. It reflects the rich emotional and cultural connotations. In a sense, it is the mirror of the society and culture. Color word plays an important role in our communication, which is embodied in both Chinese and English. However, the use of color word is quite different in Chinese and English. Different nationalities, cultures, histories and societies limit the pragmatic function of  the same color word. In Chinese and English, there are a number of differences between “green” and “绿”. The thesis chooses a new angle, and it discusses  differences of color word  “green” in Chinese and English from cognitive pragmatic perspective to help learners study the meaning of  “green” completely.

Key words: green; difference; cognitive pragmatics principle



