
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(艾米)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-14
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Abstract: Recently, gender and age differences in language have aroused many researchers' interests. This thesis begins with “YOU+VP” this new syntactic structure in Chinese, by the questionnaire survey which investigates the sentence pattern of the usage of gender and age, respectively investigating from middle school students, college students, the middle-aged and the elderly these four groups between male and female and analyzed the survey results. Thus we learned that all ages of people have certain understandings of this sentence pattern, but the difference of colleges’ understandings is the smallest,the middle-aged people and the elderly know the least of this sentence and the difference of them is the largest. This study reveals the usage of the sentence pattern in the current state of the context and helps to strengthen the study between social factors and language change relationship.

Key words: syntactic variation; “YOU+VP”; gender difference; age difference



