
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(happy)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-18
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Abstract:Metaphor is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also people’s way of thinking. The history of the study of metaphor in Western countries is very long and can be traced back to more than 2000 years ago when Aristotle put forward the definition of metaphor. In the 1980s, the publication of Metaphors We Live By has led to the “metaphormania” in linguistic fields. Many linguists do specific research about metaphor from the terms of cognition, function and conceptualism and have achieved many goals. When it comes to metaphor translation, scholars have practiced a lot and find out many translation principles and skills of metaphor. However, there are still few articles both domestic and overseas about how to translate metaphors in English poetry. The accuracy of poetical metaphors can influence readers’ understanding of the poets’ ideas to a great degree. This thesis takes American famous imagist Emily Dickinson’s poems as example and divides poetical metaphors into three types: phonological metaphor, lexical metaphor and textual metaphor. Comparing different versions of Emily Dickinson’s poems, this thesis tries to find out the different translation methods poets used and conclude common translation methods which can be used in translating English poetry. Hope this thesis can do some help in translating English poetry into Chinese versions.

Keywords: poetical metaphor, translation skills, Emily Dickinson, image



