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Abstract:“The Great Expectation” was an excellently educational novel of Charles Dickens in his latter life. The description of the characters and their personality was the center part of Dickens’ works. “The Great Expectation” has a close connection with the childhood experience of the author. Charles Dickens revealed social values of people who lived in the Victoria Age. “The Great Expectation” mainly described that the positive characters and negative characters pursued their own “great expectations”. To some degree, after their own “great expectations” were disillusioned, their personality had changed. The paper aims to analyze how characters’ personality changed with the change of the surroundings. But in the final analysis, they do not lose their nature of personality, and come back to the old lifestyle. What’s more, experiencing the disappearance of “great expectations”, their characters greatly matured.

Keywords: Pip; Estella; Miss Havisham; Magwitch; personality



