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Abstract:Louisa May Alcott is a famous American woman writer growing up among transcendentalists. Many of her novels reflect the life of early settlers of New England. Little Women, her masterpiece, is the most popular novel and has a lasting effect on American.

  This thesis attempts to re-interpret the characters in Little Women from the perspective of transcendentalism. Transcendentalism propagates the spiritual unity of man, God and nature. It emphasizes the importance of spiritual life, individual strength and self-reliance. All of these doctrines can be found in March sisters’ personalities as well as their growth. March sisters, with different personalities, give priority to their spiritual world, so in the process of growing up, they continuously improve themselves and become self-reliant. Many readers are deeply attracted by their unique personality charm. So transcendentalism has been fully reflected in March sisters’ spiritual pilgrimage.

  The thesis consists the following four parts. Part one is the introduction to Louisa May Alcott’s life and the novel. Part two mainly deals with the ideas and development of transcendentalism and Louisa May Alcott’s view of transcendentalism. Part three chiefly focuses on the analysis of transcendentalism reflected in March sisters’ pilgrimage especially about how they overcome vanity, and shyness to be self-reliant, kind and optimistic women. Part four is the conclusion of the thesis.

Keywords: Little Women; Louisa May Alcott; transcendentalism; individualism





关键词:《小妇人》 ; 路易莎·梅.·奥尔科;超验主义;个人主义
