
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(18389978)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-25
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Abstract:Language learning includes the learning of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, among which vocabulary is essential. Vocabulary is the basic element in English language learning. English vocabulary learning strategies have been a critical issue of common interest in English teaching field. However, vocabulary learning is the most difficult task for junior middle school students. Therefore, it is very important to master vocabulary learning strategies.

   This paper aims to study English vocabulary learning strategies for junior middle school students. Firstly, it can learn more about the middle school students’ problems and difficulties in English vocabulary. Secondly, the writer analyzes the results of questionnaire in order to find out the relationship between English vocabulary learning strategies and learning effect. Thirdly, it aims to seek out some effective and correct ways or strategies to improve students’ learning efficiency. Finally, it makes the learners have a better understanding of English vocabulary learning strategies, and thus to develop their ability of learning English. Through the research the writer found the application of vocabulary learning strategies could greatly promote vocabulary learning, consolidation and application.

Keywords: vocabulary; junior English; learning strategies; learning effect




