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Abstract:During the early 19th century Britain, women’s status was low in the patriarchy. Meanwhile, Women’s Liberation Movement has lasted for more than 200 years. Pride and Prejudice was created during the first wave of the movement. Elizabeth Bennet, the main female protagonist in Pride and Prejudice, is a representative character who struggles against society. Her rebellious spirit will be demonstrated from three aspects in this essay: her courage of anti-feudal virtues—the so-called traditional virtues of women should be changed; her distinctive view on marriage—love is the basis for a happy union; Elizabeth’s self-consciousness—all men are created equal. However, during that period, the awareness of feminine consciousness is still in the bud which needs to be developed further. Therefore, Elizabeth’s rebellious spirit is not thorough. Nevertheless, her spirit has shown a new trend that women will win their deserved rights in the near future. 

Key words: rebellious spirit; anti-feudal; view on marriage; self-consciousness



