
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(18389978)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-25
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Abstract:Teaching is an art as well as a science. With the reform of English teaching, teachers come to get a comprehensive understanding of the new notions and methodologies on English language teaching. However, how to apply the theories to practice successfully as well as the effects on the application deserves serious consideration. We need to look for a way to improve the standard of English teaching effectively. This essay aims to analyze some of the undesirable problems in English teaching and help teachers acquire the effective approaches to solve these problems they inevitably encounter. 

   What is an excellent English class? It is neither simple accumulation of thousands of English words and phrases, nor endless sentence pattern drills, let alone the boring repetition. It should be full of humanity, culture, and affectivity, that is to say, the teacher should give his or her students a precious gift—the strong desire to learn. 

Key words: English teaching   disadvantages   the improvement of standard of teaching




关键字: 英语教学 弊端 教学质量的提高
