
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(18389978)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-26
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Abstract:Language learning strategies are behaviors on actions which learners use to make language learning more successful, self-directed and enjoyable (Oxford, 1990). Learning strategies can make the learners’ learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and help learners to control their own learning through organizing, planning, and evaluating. This paper tries to show how English learning strategies influence the English learning of second year students in Xinping Number One Senior High School. On basis of Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language and Wen Qiufang, Cheng Xiaotang’s research, the author projected a set of questionnaires for English learning strategies for the research, and expects to find some factors connected with English learning strategies that are influencing students’ English learning. The result reveals, the students’ poor performance of English on second year in Xinping Number One Senior High School relates partly to their low frequent use of strategies, particularly of affective and social strategies. So it is necessary to implement strategy training in Xinping Number One Senior High School.

Key words: the second-year senior students; English learning; learning strategies



关键词:高二学生;  英语学习;  学习策略
