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Abstract:Jack London was a famous realistic and naturalistic writer in America. And in his half- autobiographical novel Martin Eden, the writer revealed some of his life experiences. He also, at the same time, described the protagonist’s the process of alienation and consequences after alienating. Basing on Fromm’s theory of alienation, this thesis interprets the reasons, process, and results of Martin Eden’s alienation, through analyzing Martin’s experiences of life. Martin being alienated changed in thinking and behaving greatly; he felt disappointed to social reality and suspended loneliness. To clean up his irreconcilable contradictions in mentality after being alienated, he chose suicide. 

Key words: Alienation; Process; Suspension; Suicide


摘要:杰克·伦敦是美国著名的自然主义及现实主义著名作家。在作为杰克·伦敦的半自传体小说的《马丁·伊登》中,作者展示了他的一些生活经历,同时也描述了小说中主人公马丁· 伊登一生的异化过程及其异化后的自杀。基于弗洛姆异化理论,本文通过分析马丁的人生经历,解读马丁异化的原因、过程以及结果。被异化后的马丁在思想和行为方面发生了很大变化,感到对现实的失望和悬浮的孤独。本文最后揭示马丁·伊登的人生悲剧:自杀是马丁· 伊登消解其内心心智矛盾的唯一方式。

关键词:异化; 过程; 悬浮; 自杀
