
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(18389978)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-26
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Abstract:As we all know, language environment is very important to learn English. If one can learn a foreign language in the appropriate language environment, he can get a better result. While for most English major students, studying in non-English-speaking countries is very difficult. Original English movie is a very good way to study English. It can create vivid English learning environment by incorporating sound and images together to form complete information, and make effective combination of visual and auditory. Meanwhile they can mobilize students’ interest in learning English so as to enhance learning efficiency. Thus, foreign language educational fields have done a lot of researches on its allocation in English learning. This study researches the impact of original English movies on Honghe University English major students’ learning by using questionnaires and interview. The research shows that watching original English movies have a positive impact on oral English, listening, intercultural communication and learning interest of English major students on Honghe University. Therefore, teachers are expected to give more guidelines to students to make good use of English original movies in their English learning process.   

Keywords: original English movies; English major student; English learning


摘要:众所周知, 学习英语, 语言环境是非常重要的。如果能在相应的语言环境中学习英语,会收到更好的效果。然而,对于大多数英语专业学生来说,到英语国家学习英语是不太可能的。英语原声电影就是一个很好的学习途径,它通过声音与图像组成完整的信息,将视觉和听觉有效地结合在一起,可以创造生动逼真的英语学习环境。而且电影还能调动英语学习者学习英语的兴趣,从而提高学习效率。为此,外语教育界对此做了大量的调查和应用研究。本研究通过问卷调查和访谈的形式来研究英语原声电影对XX学院英语专业学生造成的影响。研究结果表明观看英语原声电影对XX学院英语专业学生的口语学习,听力学习,跨文化交际能力,学习兴趣等方面产生了积极的影响。据此,建议在学生的英语学习中,教师应引导学生更多更好利用英语原声电影这一学习媒介,更好促进学生的英语学习。

