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Abstract:In 1994, Forest Gump came into people’s sight. This movie told us a story about the persistence and the pursuit of American dream. Since a long time, American dream has become a hot topic in many movies. This paper aims to analysis the pursuit and dissolution of American dream by the movie, and the recreation of their American dreams in the pitfalls. This paper focuses on the following aspects: the introduction to American dream; the introduction to the movie’s background; the analysis of the movie’s characters; the pursuit of American dream in the 1960s and 1970s, and the recreation of American dream. In the movie, it can be found out that Americans did not bury their dream in that unsafe and turbulent period. They moved forward to create their dreams like Forest Gump. At the same time, American dream, which is still being pursued by many people, is regarded as a double-blade sword. An American dream can give one not only a promising future, but also the loss and failure. However, instead of giving up, they still keep going for the American dream stated in The Declaration of Independence.

Key words: American dream; Forrest Gump; The Declaration of Independence



