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Abstract:The film is an important media for introducing and exchanging cultures. As a media, its role as a bridge of communication and cultural exchange can't be underestimated. Hence the translation of film titles is important. Since 1991, the publication in a foreign country, Gutt Relevance translation industry in the West making waves in recent years, China has gradually attracted the attention of scholars, for a time, many scholars study it, but it is generally used for literary translation study, rarely used in film translation studies, translation of film titles as part of a literary translation. This paper introduces the direct translation of association theory and indirect translation theory, then its use in the movie title of Translation. In explaining the concepts of relevance theory, based on the analysis of Relevance Theory is the principle should be followed when the economic principles and the principles embodied cultural characteristics, and finally to correlate the theory of translation in a number of film titles, there are mainly translation, free translation and transliteration.

Keywords: Relevance theory; Film titles; Direct and indirect; Translation principles; Translation methods 



