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The dissertation focuses on analysis of social etiquette in Pride and Prejudice,referring to a series of theories and researches findings including the history of British society in the early 19th century,British landed gentry and the difference between British and Chinese social etiquette.The aims of the dissertation is to do further study on specific functions and comprehensive implications of social etiquette in novel and to make some comparisons between traditional Chinese etiquette and British etiquette revealed in novel.


Keywords : social etiquette; British society; landed gentry






1.1 About the novel.1

1.2 About the author.2

1.3 What is etiquette.3

1.3.1 Definition and characteristics3

1.3.2 The relationship between etiquette and communication.4

1.3.3 The function of etiquette in communication5 Image establishment.5 Sentimental conduct6

1.4 Current research theories6

1.5 British and Chinese etiquette9

1.5.1 Table manners9

1.5.2 Female conduct10

1.5.3 Private life11

2.Etiquette in Novel11

2.1 Male master first in initial visit.11

2.2 Initiatives taken by gentlemen in the ball.13

2.3 Graceful clothes and moderate speeches14

2.3.1 Decent manners from ladies.14

2.3.2 Moderate speeches from gentlemen16

2.4 Superiority and inferiority manifested in interaction.17

2.5 Genuine feelings and humble attitudes towards proposal18

2.6 Strict seat arrangement in formal banquet20

2.7 Reverence for individual information.21

3. Conclusion.23

3.1 Summary.23

3.2 Limitation and further research.24

