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Red Sorghum has met a great success in domestic and in foreign countries which causes a large amount of readers’ repercussions. The translation of Red Sorghum not only acts as a model in Chinese translation history, but also functions as guidance among numerous translators. In this thesis, the research conducts on case study. The results show that Godblatt’s Red Sorghum realizes the translation purpose that the translation conveys the cultural characteristics of China accurately. The translator does not violate the target readers’ reading habits, and shows the maximum reproduction in the original text of the content and style. 

Key words: Skopos theory; Red Sorghum; The purpose rule; The coherence rule; The fidelity rule





1 Introduction.1

2 Theoretical Framework: Skopos Theory-2

3 Previous Researches on the Translation of Red Sorghum-3

4 Howard Goldblatt’s Translation Viewed from Skopos Theory.5

  4.1 The Purpose Rule-5

4.1.1 Dialect Words-6

4.1.2 Culture-related Expressions-7

  4.2 The Coherence Rule-8

  4.3 The Fidelity Rule-11

5 Conclusion.12

