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The purpose of this study is to explore how multimodal metaphors construct meaning in cosmetic advertisements and the persuasive function of multimodal metaphor. By means of literature research, case study and qualitative analysis, the multimodal metaphors in excellent cosmetic advertisements are studied. Different from the previous research on advertisements, this paper mainly analyzes the multimodal metaphors in cosmetic advertisements, which will enrich the theory of multimodal metaphor. It is proved that the construction of multimodal metaphor is a dynamic process of various modal interactions. Theoretically, this study not only extends the scope of multimodal metaphor, but also helps to study the use of multimodal metaphors in English cosmetics advertisements. 

Keywords: multimodal metaphor; conceptual metaphor theory; cosmetic advertisements; persuasive function





1 Introduction-1

2 Literature Review-3

2.1 An Review on Advertising Study-3

2.2 An Review on Multimodal Metaphor Study-4

3 Theoretical Framework-6

3.1 Multimodal Metaphor-6

3.2 Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT)-7

4 Analysis of Multimodal Metaphors in Cosmetic Advertisements-8

4.1 Static Multimodal Metaphors in Print Cosmetic Advertisements-9

4.2 Dynamic Multimodal Metaphors in Video Cosmetic Advertisements-10

4.3 Persuasive Function of Multimodal Metaphor-14

5 Conclusion-15

