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In today’s society, the communication among countries becomes frequently usual due to various factors, especially to the spread of science and technology (S-T). Thus, it is requisite for countries to learn from each other and promote mutually, achieving a win-win situation. China, the biggest developing countries in the world, is indispensable to learn the advanced science and technology knowledge from foreign countries, so the role of adapted translation of science and technology news turns out to be highly significant. However, most of time, there are few ways to adapt it and it’s unable to convey the meaning of original text accurately. At the same time, the lack of background information makes it difficult for readers to grasp the meaning of S-T news. What’s worse, the contents of news may be too tedious to understand them. All of these problems will affect the spread of S-T news.

This paper discusses some ways to adapt the titles and bodies of science and technology news in the view of Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory. Adaptors can adopt methods of personification, extraction and division to transedit the titles. As to adapt the bodies of news, they can use ways of amplification, annotation, conversion, abridgement, and so on. In fact, methods to adapt the titles and bodies of S-T news are interconnected. So, the combination of various adaption methods can solve the problem of single translation way. Meanwhile, some adaption methods such as amplification and annotation can complement some useful information, so that readers can better understand the relevant background knowledge, increasing the interest of reading. And the extraction and abridgement attract readers’ attention in a short time, also play an important role in increasing the interest of reading, promoting the spread of S-T news, as well.

Key words: adapted translation; science and technology news; Functional Equivalence





1 Introduction-1

2 Literature review-2

2.1 On translation-2

2.2 On adapted translation-2

2.3 On Functional Equivalence theory-3

3 Features of science and technology (S-T) news-4

3.1 Lexical level-4

3.1.1 The use of common words-5

3.1.2 The use of specialization of common words-5

3.1.3 The use of abbreviations-5

3.1.4 The use of compound words-6

3.1.5 The use of scientific words-6

3.2 Syntactic level-7

3.2.1 Short sentences-7

3.2.2 Active voice-8

3.3 Rhetoric level-8

4 Functional Equivalence Theory in adapted translation of S-T news-9

4.1 The ways to adapt the titles of S-T news-9

4.1.1 Personification-10

4.1.2 Extraction-10

4.1.3 Division-11

4.2 The methods to transedit the main body of S-T news-11

4.2.1 Amplification-11

4.2.2 Annotation-12

4.2.3 Conversion-13

4.2.4 Abridgment-13

5 Conclusion-14

