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Financial news is a crucial channel for Chinese readers to obtain financial information and therefore becomes an indispensable part of people’s daily life. Reference News, a newspaper that enjoys the largest circulation in China, works to adapt articles from foreign media. Therefore it is of great meaning to research into English-Chinese news transediting in Reference News. Based on Vermeer’s Skopostheorie, the paper  studies the articles from Reference News and their source texts in April, 2017, aiming at discussing the elements that affect the transediting of English-Chinese financial news. The research findings show that transediting methods are influenced by target readers’ expectations, ideology and characteristics of financial news. The findings also show that there are three types of methods employed in title transediting, such as adding source media to the title, shifting the focus of the title, and taking the advantage of short Chinese sentence and three types of methods in body transediting, including deletion, conversion and local adaptation. The paper is helpful to study the elements that affect financial news transediting and the role the three rules of Skopostheorie play in its transediting by discussing various methods of transediting under the guidance of Skopostheorie. 


Key words: news transediting; financial news; Reference News; Skopostheorie





1 Introduction-1

1.1 Research background and significance of the study-1

1.2 Structure of the thesis-1

2 Literature review-2

2.1 Previous studies on news transediting-2

2.2 Principles of transediting-3

3 Theoretical basis-3

3.1 An overview of Skopostheorie-3

3.2 Rules of Skopostheorie-4

3.3 Significance of Skopostheorie to financial news transediting-5

4 Elements that influence the Skopos of Reference News transediting

4.1 Target readers’ expectations-5

4.2 Ideology-6

4.3 Characteristics of financial news-6

4.3.1 Common features of news writing style-6

4.3.2 Unique characteristics of financial news-7

5 On financial news transediting in Reference News-8

5.1 Title transediting-8

5.1.1 Adding source media to the title-8

5.1.2 Shifting the focus of the title-9

5.1.3 Taking the advantage of short Chinese sentences-11

5.2 Body transediting-12

5.2.1 Deletion-12 Deletion of less important contents-13 Deletion of sensitive or negative contents-15

5.2.2 Conversion-15 Conversion of time-15 Conversion of monetary unit-16

5.2.3 Local adaptation-16

6 Conclusion-17

