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At present, C-E translation of food packaging is increasingly important, but some translations are still inappropriate and low-quality due to literal translation. Quality of translation not only relates to profit of enterprises, but also affects the impact of China's exporting economy. Therefore, we must pay attention to the quality of translation. In this paper, from the perspective of Skopostheorie, it analyzes translation of food packaging, starting from text type of the food packaging, reclassifies the food packaging. It utilizes relevant theories of Skopostheorie, researching different translation strategy under the different text. It mainly analyzes two factors which affect C-E translation of food packaging, that is, comparing consumer-oriented function and manufacture-oriented intention. It clarifies function and intention in daily cases, in order to research translation strategy under the different text. The study of this subject can help foreign consumers understand Chinese food, stimulate their consuming desire, and expand exports.

Key words: food packaging; Skopostheorie; text type; translation strategy





1 Introduction.1

1.1 Brief Introduction of Food Packaging.1 

1.2 Literature Review..1 

1.3 Theoretical Framework.2

2 Analysis of Cases..4

2.1 Text Classification4

2.2 Analysis of Cases.5

2.2.1 Informative Texts..5

2.2.2 Operative Texts.6

2.2.3 Compounded Texts13

3 Enlightenment14

3.1 About Translation Strategy.14

3.1.1 Informative Texts.14

3.1.2 Operative Texts15

3.1.3 Compounded Texts..16

4 Conclusion.17

