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This thesis aims to study the strategies that Lin Yutang applied in the translation of names, official titles and decrees in The Gay Genius from the perspective of domestication and foreignization. Lin Yutang himself is a great master of translation. His success in English writing proves that his way of translation, his choice between domestication and foreignization is well-accepted by English-speaking culture. If we are to popularize Chinese culture, the study of Lin Yutang’s work is valuable. 

The first part of the thesis briefly introduces the significance, objectives and structure of the study. The second part reviews the latest studies concerning Lin Yutang’s The Gay Genius and domestication and foreignization in chronological order. The next part elaborates the theoretical framework of the thesis—the development of domestication and foreignization, and the importance of the domestication and foreignization theory. The main part of this thesis will clarify how Lin Yutang applies the two strategies in his translation of names, decrees, and official titles. This author believes to better popularize Chinese culture, domestication should be the main strategy. However, for the information of less importance, such as names, there is no need to clarify the meaning one by one. This author finds out that Lin Yutang translates most of the names of people and places under the strategy of foreignization, with some exceptions. As to the translation of the official titles, he chooses the equivalent expressions if he can, otherwise he explains what these positions are responsible for. Lastly, in the translation of decrees, he chooses domestication, with one exception only. In most occasions, Lin Yutang chooses foreignization for less important information as there is no need to clarify or explain. The author believes Lin Yutang’s translation is decided by the culture-loaded materials and his own values and subjective judgment, in a few cases, affect his choice. 

This author hopes, through the case study of The Gay Genius from the perspective of domestication and foreignization, this thesis would generate some inspiration and discussion among transaltors.

Key words: domestication and foreignization; The Gay Genius; translation strategies





Chapter One   Introduction-1

1.1 Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Objectives of the Study-1

1.3 Organization of the Study-1

Chapter Two   Literature Review-3

2.1 Previous Studies on Domestication and Foreignization-3

2.2 Previous studies on Lin Yutang’s The Gay Genius-5

Chapter Three    Theoretical Framework-8

3.1 An Overview of Domestication and Foreignization-8

3.2 The Importance of Domestication and Foreignization-10

Chapter Four    An Analysis of The Gay Genius from the Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization-11

4.1Translation of Names-11

4.1.1 Names of Persons-11

4.1.2 Names of Years-12

4.1.3 Names of Places-12

4.2 Translation of Official Titles-13

4.3Translation of Decrees-14

Chapter Five   Conclusion-17

